Class 4

The team in Class 4 is Miss Williams (Classteacher) and Mrs Newman (Teaching Assistant). We are also joined by Mr Rourke and Mrs Mottishaw as additional teachers. 


Our class is made up of Y5 and Y6 pupils and we are lucky enough to teach the oldest children in school, ensuring their knowledge and abilities continue to strengthen and become even more precise. We aim to not only develop your child academically, but also socially, culturally, emotionally and behaviourally so that they become role models for both themselves and those younger than them. We believe in children aiming to be the best versions of themselves, showing resilience when things become tough and have the drive to continue learning as much as they can. When they leave us, it's time for secondary school so it's even more imperative for us to develop the 'whole' child and allow them achieve great things!

A typical day in Class 4

8.40-9am: Maths Morning Starter/Registration 

9-9.15am- Collective Worship

9.15-9.45- Whole Class Reading 


10.00-11- Maths

11.00-12.00- English

12.00-1.00pm- Lunch Time 

1.00-1.15pm- Spelling 

1.15-1.30pm- Multiplication and Arithmetic Time

1.30-3pm- Foundation Subject Lessons 

3.00-3.25pm- Class Story and Home Time


Please click on the tabs below to find out more information about our classroom and the amazing things Class 4 get up to during the school year.

Our Learning Journey

We have started the year as we mean to go on in Class 4 with some challenging and deep learning for the oldest children in school. 

Geography: Our topic is "Why do cities change over time?" where we have explored the first cities in the UK and how they have come to be. We have compared them to towns and counties and identified the smallest and largest ones in the country. We have used digi-maps, atlas' and internet research to explore our country. We have looked at how thematic maps can represent different data sets and how data can show significant changes in the country. 

RE- This term we have followed our Understanding Christianity unit and explored Creation or Science and looked at Genesis compared to scientific theories of the universes creation such as The Big Bang Theory. We discussed whether believing in science made someone less of a Christian and we challenged different views and perspectives. 

Art- We have started the year with our painting topic. In this topic we have explored mixing colour, shade, light and dark and its use. We studied botanical drawings and created our own. We are working towards our own final piece in the style of the artist Lucy Arnold. 

PE- We have worked on our Fitness looking at strength, stamina and agility and how we can improve on all of these aspects to help us in sports and performance. We are also enjoying Tag Rugby and refining our footwork skills. 

English- Our book this term is the "Queen of the Falls" from our Pathways to Write study. This is all about a lady who decides to give her normal job to become a dare devil and ride Niagara Falls in a barrel. The questions is will she survive? Will she become rich? Will she be famous? The children will be writing in role as the infamous Annie from the story. 

PSHE- This term we will be looking "Being me in the World" and how we have rights and responsibilities under the United Rights of a Child. All children have these rights but some children are in different and difficult circumstances. We have responsibilities with these rights to others to ensure they can access these rights such as allowing others their opinions, speaking up for others when they can not etc. 

Computing- We are using Purple Mash to explore coding and algorithms. The children will understand the basics of coding how significant clear and precise instructions are to a functioning algorithm. 

French- We will be learning about the days, date and month in French. 

Our Learning Journey- Autumn Term 2


English- This term we are studying the story of The Lost Happy Endings which is a twist on a classic fairytale and centres around the character of Jub who collects all the characters happy endings. The children will be creating their own narratives based on the story. 

Reading- We are studying the book of Holes by Louis Sachar. This story is all about Stanley Yelnats who has very little luck and finds himself at Camp Green Lake which is a camp for bad boys. 

History- We are learning all about the life and times of the Saxons and Vikings. The children started this topic with a fantastic trip to Murton park where we spent the day on a Viking village learning all about what daily life was like. 

RE- We will be challenging ourselves with the question of "Is the Christmas Story Real?" where we take a look at the Nativity story and look at if the origins of Christmas happened like the story tells us. 

PE- We are working on Dance and Hockey this term. In dance we will be looking at a unit called Dance by Chance which looks at combining elements using sequences built up using codes and numbers. In Hockey we will be looking at ball skills and beginning defending and attacking skills. 

DT- we will be looking at Pulleys and Leavers through making moving Fairground rides. 

Computing- We are continuing our unit on Coding to create our own game on Purple Mash. 

English- This term we are studying the book Arthur and the Golden Rope and focusing on the text type of myths. We will be looking at all the elements of Norse Myths and how to write our very own myths.

Reading- We will be reading the book “Odd and the Frost Giants” as part of our reading lesson which is a traditional story about a Viking Boy who goes on a brave quest and fights against Odin, Loki and Thor to save his city. As a class read, we will be reading The Highway Falcon Thief which is about a mysterious train robbery.

Maths- This term Year 6 will be working on brand new topics of Ratio and Algebra and Year 5 will be extending their knowledge of Multiplication and Division and furthering their understanding of fractions.

Science- We are exploring forces by looking at friction and air resistance and conducting experiments to test forces in our surroundings.

Geography- Geography is our focus this term. We are exploring and answering the question of “why people move?” by looking at push and pull factors of different localities. We are researching and investigating continents, countries and capital cities around the world such as Tokyo and New York and comparing this to local places such as Sheffield. We will then look at times in history when people have migrated such as migration to Australia.

Computing- In computing we are continuing to use Purple Mash to explore spreadsheets and further our use of the Chromebooks and extend our typing skills.

PE we are studying gymnastics and then Badminton. We are lucky to have specialist teaching on a Thursday afternoon from Rotherham United for our PE unit of badminton.

French- We will be learning to hold conversations all about the pets and animals we can have at home.

Art- We are learning to use acrylic paints which is a new art medium for Class 4. We will be able to explore new techniques to be able to paint with this different type of paint. We will use this alongside learning and Kandinsky who had a special gift of seeing colour when he heard music. Children will paint alongside music to express their reactions in an abstract medium.

This term children will also have the opportunity to engage in their Bikeability training in order to become competent and confident in riding their bike. For some this will be their first experience in learning to ride a bike and for others they will progress to learning to road bike and we cannot wait to watch them progress!

Spring Term 2


This term we are studying the book called The Darkest Dark which is all about a boy who dreams about being an astronaut but is afraid of the dark. He has to learn to over come his fear to live out his dreams. The book is written by a real life astronaut called Chris Hadfield and takes us back through some of his memories and early life. The children will be writing a mixture of fiction and non-fiction text types as outcomes of this text. Along-side this in our reading lessons we are exploring a non-fiction text about space exploration and learning to use the features in an information text accurately.


This term children will be learning about Rocks and Soil. We look at the rock cycle and how different rock types are created in the earths atmosphere.


We are study WW1 and WW2 as part of our Remembrance topic. The children will be studying some of the key moments in the history of war and why we remember these significant moments as well as how we remember them. The children will have a visitor from the School Library Service who will be bringing in artefacts and will delivery a workshop with the children about WW2 and poetry later this term.


PE is Handball with Rotherham United Community Trust on Thursday afternoons and Netball on Friday afternoons.


In French this term children will be progressing their language skills by learning all about the weather and how to use this language in conversation.


This term our topic is healthy me. We look at important aspects such as smoking and vaping, alcohol and exercise and what it is to keep our minds and bodies healthy.  


In RE we are investigating the question of “How did Jesus save the human beings?” In this topic we look at Jesus’ death at Easter and the events that lead to this and question why these events occurred.


This term is our DT focus and we completing a mechanisms project. We are creating pulleys and gears to make an object move in a model. We will also be using electrical circuits to aid the objects. We will be making fairground rides such as merry go rounds. 

Learning Journey- Summer Term 1
English- In English this term we are studying our new books called “The Paperbag Prince” which explores the theme of recycling and saving the planet. The Paperbag Prince is an old man living in a railway carriage on a rubbish dump. But he knows that even rubbish can sometimes contain treasure, and that if he stays long enough, gentle nature will heal the countryside and make the green come again. We will be writing our own persuasive pieces of writing in different styles to convince people to save the earth.

Reading- This term our class book will be “The Chime Seekers” which is a special book for some children in Class 4 as it is their “transition book” for Wales High School. It is a book that we will all enjoy but one which they will use in their lessons for transition week.

Art- This term we are studying Textiles and different techniques of printing and dying to create effects. We will also develop our sewing skills to apply different items such as buttons and sequins.

Geography- In Geography we will be exploring Rivers and Moorlands. We will look at how rivers begin and where they end but also the significant parts of a river. We will conduct map work and explore our local area.

Science- We are learning about how and why do plants reproduce. We are starting the topic off by looking at the variety of ways that plants can be reproduced by taking cuttings, and growing from tuber and runners but also planting bulbs to watch the way they grow and produce off-springs.

RE- This term we are answering the question of “What would Jesus do?” and looking at different messages, passages and gospels in the bible.

PE- Both our PE sessions are outdoors this term and we are working with Mr Kay for cricket and we are hoping to train towards a competition with another school for children who are interested. We are also developing our tennis skills with RUCT on Thursday afternoons.

French- We are learning the vocabulary about school and items and resources around school.

PSHE- We are learning about relationship and have to have healthy friendships and self-esteem. We look at different forms of relationships and how to keep safe online in a friendship.


Reading is considered as part of the children's homework and is one of the most important things they can be doing at home, even if they are a fluent reader. The children should be reading a minimum of 3 times a week and completing their reading diary after each read. Reading diaries in Class 4 can be completed by the child as we are aware that children now are becoming more independent with their reading and may read alone. In their reading diaries it should be recorded the date, the page numbers, the book title and a brief comment of the book. We ask that even if parents haven't read with their child that they still actively monitor the diaries and can comment to the teachers if they wish. 

Children will always have two books from school. One is from their assessed book band which they should be reading and working through not only for fluency but for understanding. They can also have a library book of choice which they are picking for enjoyment. This can be read for a bed time read or a quiet time read in school. When children read to an adult in school they will be asked to read with their Book Band Book so this should always return to school daily. 

Reading is monitored over the term and over the year and certificates are given out for Bronze readers, Silver and Gold based on how many reads they complete over the year. 

Additional reading homework maybe given out to link with a current class book or for reading for pleasure. 


Class Books 

This Term we are reading the story of Wonder which has the brilliant message of "why fit in when you where born to stand out"


In Class 4 our PE days our currently Monday and Thursdays. We try to be outside for as long as the weather will allow us to be so the children will always need appropriate kit for the weather. Remember that it should be red shorts, white t-shirt, dark jogging bottoms and dark sweatshirt. Please keep logos to a minimum on joggers and sweatshirts. Children should not be coming in football kits. Children will need a change of shoes for outdoor PE. 

It is really important to encourage children in the older years to be changing for PE and the personal hygiene importance of changing after exercise as well as safety implications by wearing sport appropriate kit. Children should not have any jewellery on and hair should always be tied back. If earrings can not be removed please tape over them. 


The children in Class 4 will receive a homework menu which has some creative options but also other options such as maths and reading comprehensions. Maths, reading and spelling packs are available in class for children to take home which can be worked through at their own pace. 

All children are expected to read 3 times a week. 

They should be completing a homework task a week, this can be part of a longer on-going task, but they should be participating in homework each week. Homework books should be returned on a Wednesday to school and will go hone again on a Friday. 

Children have many home learning portals which they can use alongside school. They all have logins but these can be requested via classdojo if they have forgotten them. 

Purple Mash- Children can be set a variety of different learning opportunities. 

TTRS- Times Tables practise

Reflex Maths- Logins Pending 

Year 6 Only Spag practise papers (1 a week for homework) Sats practise papers (1 a week for homework)

Computing Lesson Document


Upcoming Events in Class 4

Please check back as we will update dates as we know more

  • Friday 20th October- Break up for Half Term 
  • Tuesday 31st October- Children Return to School
  • Friday 3rd November 2023- Trip to Murton Park
  • Monday 15th January- Bikeability