Theological Rationale

“Let your light shine” Matthew 5:16.

Our school life and work are driven by our vision for education that is rooted in the Christian faith. At Laughton All Saints’, we believe in excellence every day in every way and letting our children’s individual lights’ shine. 


To this end we are a school in which:

  • Every unique individual, created in the image of God, is known, celebrated and loved.
  • There is a conscious intent to build Christian community 
  • Our fellowship in community creates stability, courage and opportunity for flourishing
  • Respect reflects the Christian concept of creation.

The Church of England Vision for Education observes that “Human dignity, the ultimate worth of each person, is central to good education.”(p. 7). We appreciate the individuality that each of our children bring and aim to celebrate every child, every day.

In his famous chapter on love and knowledge, Paul ends with words that describe human learning and growth: “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12). We affirm that sense of ‘being known’. Jesus described the way God knows each created being, even the hairs on a head (Luke 12:5,6). The size of our school makes this a central part of the way we apply our faith to education.  By knowing each and every child in our small school, we provide bespoke challenge and aspirational opportunities for children to achieve their full potential, wherever their talents lie, regardless of starting points.  We affirm the Church of England philosophy that: “The ultimate worth of each person is grounded in being created in the image of God and in God’s love and compassion for each.”  (p. 9)

Our Christian roots speak of a God who created humanity for, and draws us into, community. Laughton School is the community’s school and, as such, we cultivate the Christian value of living well together.

“Each school is to be a hospitable community that seeks to embody an ethos of living well together” (Church of England Vision for Education p. 10.)

Our ‘family feel’ culture gives a strong sense of community and team work that allows the whole school to grow, develop and nurture each other to achieve the very best outcomes for children and for them to be role models and successful future citizens. Our school enacts the vision of David in Psalm 133:1 “How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” 

Staff and leaders are passionate and committed to providing an excellent education for the children in their care and will strive in a persistent effort to have the highest expectations for all.

Community enables hope, risk and courage. Jesus gathered a community of disciples and inspired them, promising they would continue to do greater things (John 14:12). “The conviction that we are created and sustained by God for living together in families and communities is at the root of our dedication to educating for life together.” (Church of England Vision for Education p.11.) Through building community, we discover the safe, harmonious and nurturing environment that gives our children the stability and opportunity to take risks in their learning within courageous classrooms.

“Respect everyone” (1 Peter 2:17). Respect plays a large part of school life. All members of the Laughton community strive to respect themselves, respect all those around them, the environment that they are in and their contribution to the wider community.

Inspired by the Christian concept of creation, we respect ourselves, respect all those around us and the environment are they are in. We also see ourselves as called to make a contribution to the wider community. We hold to the Church of England’s affirmation that: “Hope in God’s future for the world, in God’s ongoing love and compassion for all people, and for the whole of creation, and in God’s promise of life in all its fullness are at the root of our dedication to educating for hope and aspiration” (Church of England Vision for Education p.11.)