Class 2

The team in Class 2 are Mrs Fielding and Mrs Whittaker (Class teachers) and Mrs Johnson (Teaching Assistant).


Welcome to Class 2! We teach the Key Stage 1 children in our school and feel very blessed to continue their educational journey through the next stage and prepare them for Key Stage 2. Between us, we have many years of experience working with young children and getting the very best out of them. Our priority is knowing each and every child in our class and teaching them the right things at the right time to build up their knowledge, whilst also developing their social skills and awareness of themselves. It is a very busy classroom, with lots of learning everywhere you look, so come on in and visit us. We look forward to seeing you!


A typical day in Class 2 

8:40 - 9:00am: Morning Starter/Registration 

9:00 - 9.15am: Collective Worship

9:15 - 9:55am: Read, Write, Inc Phonics and Year 2 Spelling and Reading Lesson 

9:55 - 10:45am: Handwriting and English

10:45 - 11:00am: Break Time 

11:00 - 12.00pm: Maths 

12:00 - 1pm: Lunch Time 

1:00 - 1.15pm: Pinny Time

1:15 - 3:00pm: Foundation Subject Lessons

3:00 - 3:20pm: Class Story and Home Time

Autumn Term 1

Our Learning Journey

This half term we will be focusing on the following areas of learning:

Science: Our unit is 'What are our bodies and what can they do?'. We will be identifying and naming body parts and exploring our senses.

History: We will be learning about 'The Sheffield Blitz and being an evacuee'. We will be focusing on what the Blitz was; when it happened; and the consequences of it. We have an exciting visit planned to the National Emergency Services Museum after half term, where we will have a fabulous Sheffield Blitz workshop.

Geography: Our unit is 'What is it like where we live?'. We will be learning about our local area; locating Laughton on different maps; looking at features of maps; and following and using directional language. We will be carrying out local fieldwork by walking round Laughton and identifying its key human and physical features. 

RE: This term we will follow our Understanding Christianity unit and explore 'Who Made the World?'. We will be retelling the story of creation and learning what God created on each day.

Art: We have started the year with our drawing unit. In this unit we are focusing on light and shade. We will be learning how to create shade using different sketching pencils and by hatching and cross-hatching. We will learn different techniques to help draw our hands in the style of Da Vinci. 

PE: We are focusing on our Fitness, looking at strength, stamina and agility with RUFC. We will also be developing our Ball Skills with Mr Kay.

English: Our book this term is the "Troll Swap" by Leigh Hodgkinson, from our Pathways to Write study. This book is about a little girl and a troll, who don't fit in at home and decide to swap lives. We will create two new characters and learn how to describe them. This will lead to us writing our own story following a similar structure.

PSHE: This term we will look at the 'Being me in the World' unit. We will explain that we all have the right to learn in a happy, safe environment and we will discuss how it was important for everyone in the class to take responsibility to make the classroom a safe and happy place. This includes writing a class charter and modelling positive behaviour.

Computing: We will be exploring our Purple Mash unit, 'Maze Explorers. We will continue learning about Online Safety.

Music: Our unit is 'Pulse, Rhythm & Pitch' and our social focus will be about how music helps us to make friends.

Autumn Term 2

Our Learning Journey

This half term we will be focusing on the following areas of learning:

Science: Our unit is 'Animals and Living Things - What animals are in our world and what do they eat?'. We will identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will also identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

History: We will be continuing our learning about 'The Sheffield Blitz and being an evacuee'. We will be focusing on what the Blitz was; when it happened; and the consequences of it. We have an exciting visit planned to the National Emergency Services Museum this half term, where we will have a fabulous Sheffield Blitz workshop.

Geography: Our unit about 'What is it like where we live?' will continue throughout this half term. We will be continuing our learning about our local area; locating Laughton on different maps; looking at features of maps; and following and using directional language. We will be talking about our local fieldwork round Laughton, identifying its key human and physical features and making messy maps. 

RE: This term we will follow our Understanding Christianity unit and explore 'Why do Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world?'. We will give a clear account of the story of Jesus' birth, recognise that stories of Jesus’ life come from the Gospels and decide what they personally have to be thankful for at Christmas time.

DT: Our unit is Mechanisms - Levers and Sliders, where we will analyse existing products; investigate how to make simple mechanisms; design and make our own Christmas cards using levers and sliders.

PE: We are focusing on our Dance and Target Games.

English: Our book this half term is ‘The Owl who was afraid of the dark.' by Jill Tomlinson. We will develop lots of non-chronological report writing skills in order to write a fact sheet about Owls using everything we have learnt during the topic.

PSHE: This term we will look at the 'Celebrating Differences' unit. We will explain why being unique and special is important. We will also look into why bullying might happen and offer strategies to help the person who is being bullied. This links in nicely with our 'odd socks' anti-bulling week.

Computing: We will continue to explore Purple Mash and concentrate on Unit 1.5, maze explorers and Unit 2.4, Questioning.

Music: Our unit is 'Playing in an Orchestra', where we will be looking at how Music teaches us about the past.

Spring Term 1

Our Learning Journey

This half term we will be focusing on the following areas of learning:

English: Our book this half term is ‘The Dragon Machine’ by Helen Ward. We will be writing a story with an adventure focus. Throughout this unit, we will explore and describe dragons and the disruption they might cause.

Science: Our unit is ‘Humans: How do we stay healthy?’. We will be looking at different animals, their babies and how they grow. We will identify the basic needs of survival for all animals and we will look at the importance of having a healthy diet and regular exercise.  

History: This term our unit is the 'Great Fire of London'. We will look at London before and after the fire; where and how the fire started and the consequences of it.

Geography: Our unit this term is 'What Would We Find in a City?', where we will be gathering information about cities, with Sheffield as a focus. We will do this by studying maps and other geographical sources. 

RE: This half term we will look at the religion Islam. We will learn about Mosques, the holy Quran and what a commitment it is for Muslims to pray 5 times a day.  

Art: Our unit is Collage – We are focusing on the artists Picasso and Braques, where we will be looking at Cubism. We will learn different collage techniques and we will build up to a final collage in a Cubism style.

PE: We are focusing on our Gymnastics and Invasion Games.

PSHE: This term we will look at the ‘Dreams and Goals’ unit. We will be looking at how to set and achieve goals and how to tackle challenges. We will discuss and identify obstacles that make achieving goals difficult and how we can overcome these.

Computing: We will continue to strengthen our understanding of online safety. We will also look at creating and using pictograms and use the program 2Question to create our own Yes/No Quizzes and Binary Trees. 

Music: Our unit is 'Inventing a Musical Story' and links to how music makes the world a better place. 


Spring Term 2

Our Learning Journey

This half term we will be focusing on the following areas of learning:

English: Our book this half term is ‘Major Glad, Major Dizzy' by Jan Oke. We will be writing a recount, in the form of a diary entry, as our final independent write. Throughout this unit, we will explore old toys; different characters and speaking and writing in the past tense. 

Science: Our unit is 'Light and Sound: What is Light?'. We will be identifying and exploring different sources of light. We will be experimenting with different materials and shadows, and looking at things that are transparent and opaque.

History: Our unit is continuing from last half term with 'the Great Fire of London'. We are now looking at how London changed after the Great Fire and the different historical sources of information.

Geography: Our unit is continuing from last half term with, 'What Do We Find in a City?'. Our focus has been the city of Sheffield. We will continue by looking at the similarities and differences between cities and the countryside.

RE: This half term we will look at Christianity: Jesus' Resurrection. We will tell stories of Holy week and Easter, whilst making links with the idea of salvation. We will talk about different beliefs around death and life after death. We will be looking at the symbols of Easter, their meaning and their importance to Christians.

DT: Our Food unit is focusing on preparing fruit. We will be exploring different fruits and evaluating different fruit salads. We will learn how to safely cut, slice, chop, grate, squeeze different fruits. This will lead up to us designing, making and evaluating our own fruit salads to sell to pupils in school.

PE: We are focusing on Net and Wall Games and Fundamentals.

PSHE: This half term we will look at the topic ‘Healthy Me'. We will look at our amazing bodies and a range of ways in which we can keep them safe and healthy. 

Computing: We will continue to explore Purple Mash and look at creating music using a range of skills.

Music: Our unit is ‘Recognising Different Sounds’, where we will look at how music teaches us about our neighbourhood.

Summer Term 1

Our Learning Journey

This half term we will be focusing on the following areas of learning:

English: Our book this half term is ‘Toys in Space’ by Mini Grey. We will be writing a fantasy story based on the structure of the book with a change of character and setting. Throughout this unit, we will explore different characters and bring them to life using role play. We will also be looking at instructional writing.

Science: Our unit is 'Plants: What can grow where we live?' We will be identifying and naming a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees. We will also identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.

Geography: We will be looking at 'What is it like in Africa?'. We will be finding Africa on different maps and we will focus on the country of Kenya. We will study Kenya's climate, human and physical features and what it is like to go to school there. 

R.E: This half term we will look at 'Judaism: Are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur important to Jewish children?' We are learning to empathise with Jewish children by understanding what Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mean to them. We will set our own goals for things we would like to achieve in the next year and think about how we would like to improve ourselves.

Art: We are studying sculpture in Art this half term, where we will be looking at Sir Christopher Wren's architecture. We will be leading up to sculpting our own Tudor house.

PE: We are focusing on Team Building and Sending and Receiving.

PSHE: This half term we will look at the topic ‘Relationships'. We will look at know we make friends, how to solve friendship problems and what we can do for ourselves and others when we feel upset or hurt.

Computing: We will continue to explore Purple Mash and look at Spreadsheets and Coding.

Music: Our unit is ‘Having Fun with Improvisation: What Songs Can We Sing to Help Us through the Day?'

Summer Term 2

Our Learning Journey

This half term we will be focusing on the following areas of learning:

English: Our book this half term is ‘Goldilocks and Just the One Bear’ by Leigh Hodgkinson. We will be writing a traditional story with a twist, based on the structure of the book with a change of character and setting. Throughout this unit, we will explore different characters and settings and bring them to life using role play. 

Science: Our unit is 'Materials - What is the best material to use?' The children will be learning to compare the suitability of everyday materials. We will explore how materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.

History: We will be looking at 'Castles, Kings and Queens'. We will be studying different Kings and Queens from the past to the present. We will be looking at castles, their different parts and then visiting the remains of a motte-and-bailey castle in our village!

R.E: This half term we will look at 'Judaism: Does celebrating Chanukah make Jewish children feel closer to God? The children will learn what some Chanukah symbols mean. They will take part part in some Chanukah activities (e.g. playing dreidel, lighting the candles) and start to think about which one of these activities might help them feel closer to God.

Design & Technology: Our mechanisms unit is focusing on wheels and axels. We will be analysing and evaluating existing products with wheels and axels; learning different skills and techniques; and then planning, designing and making our own moving vehicle.

PE: We are focusing on athletics and striking and fielding.

PSHE: This half term we will look at the topic ‘Changing Me'. We will look at how changes happen as we grow up, starting with life cycles of animals. We will then talk about things that have changed as they grow and things that have stayed the same.

Computing: We will continue to practice our coding skills on Purple Mash.

Music: Our unit is ‘Let’s Perform Together: How Does Music Teach Us about Looking After Our Planet?'.



Reading is considered as part of the children's homework and is one of the most important things they can be doing at home, even if they are a fluent reader. The children should be reading a minimum of 3 times a week and completing their reading diary after each read. In their reading diaries it should be recorded the date, the page numbers, the book title and a brief comment. We ask that even if parents haven't read with their child that they still actively monitor the diaries and can comment to the teachers if they wish.

Children will always have two books from school. One is from their assessed book band or Read, Write, Inc. group, which they should be reading and working through, not only for fluency, but for understanding. They can also have a library book of choice which they are picking for enjoyment. This can be read for a bedtime read or a quiet time read in school. When children read to an adult in school they will be asked to read with their Book Band Book so this should always return to school daily. 

Reading is monitored over the term and over the year and certificates are given out for:

Bronze - 30 reads

Silver - 60 reads

Gold - 90 reads

Platinum - 120 reads

Additional reading homework maybe given out to link with a current class book or for reading for pleasure. 


Class Books 
In KS1 we read a wide variety of books, from a range of authors, at the end of the day. We like to share lots of picture books with the children to help encourage their imagination and increase their vocabulary.


In KS1 we expect all children to read 3 times a week. We also send home some virtual links to our Read, Write, Inc. Phonics programme, which are quick and simple for the children to sit and watch on any device.

Year 2 pupils off the phonics programme, have spellings to practise each week in their spelling log books.

Children have many home learning portals which they can use alongside school. They all have logins inside their reading record cover.

Purple Mash- Children can be set a variety of different learning opportunities. 

Reflex Maths- Logins for Year 2 pupils


In Class 2 our PE days our currently Monday and Thursdays. We try to be outside for as long as the weather will allow us to be so the children will always need appropriate kit for the weather. Remember that it should be red shorts, white t-shirt, dark jogging bottoms and dark sweatshirt. Please keep logos to a minimum on joggers and sweatshirts. Children should not be coming in football kits. Children will need a change of shoes for outdoor PE. 

 Children should not have any jewellery on and hair should always be tied back. If earrings can not be removed please tape over them. 

Key Dates